If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in King County, you are not alone. According to the latest data from the 2018 Collision Data Report, King County reported a total of 1,884 collisions during that year on its maintained roadways. This data reflected 540 injuries and 11 fatalities at an estimated $48.3 million in economic cost.
Those of us who travel our highways understand how the sheer volume of traffic on our roads at high traffic times can impact a driver, especially in a car accident. But these tragic tolls also include bicyclists and pedestrians. These aren’t just numbers but fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters.
Who Will Pay Your Bills?Car accidents happen in an instant. In the next moment, you may be whisked away in an emergency vehicle toward an awaiting hospital room.
The next few days may leave you wondering how you will pay for your medical bills, when you will be able to get back to work, who will take care of your family. The impact of a car accident is not only physical but also emotional and financial. Getting the assistance of an experienced automobile accident attorney in King County can help.
What About Insurance?In Washington State, we are a “comparative fault” state when it comes to insurance claims. This means that before you are reimbursed for your costs, fault must be established. At Northwest Law Group, our King County car accident attorneys are here to help. Throughout our careers, we have dedicated ourselves to representing accident and injury victims’ rights in King County and throughout Washington.
How Fault is Established in WashingtonComparative fault is how the insurance companies determine what percentage of fault their driver is liable for. The payment of your claim will be determined by that degree of fault. As an injury victim, that means that you will only be compensated for how much fault they determine their driver had in your accident. You may see a problem with this, considering that they are invested in finding their covered driver not “at fault” so they aren’t financially liable for your claim.
When you have been injured in a car accident in King County, the insurance company knows that the last thing you are prepared to do is to fight with them over fault and a settlement. If you have been hospitalized and without work, you may be glad for any insurance settlement you can get. Unfortunately, insurance companies count on this.
What Kind of Damages are You Entitled to After a Car Accident?After a car accident, you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault party for things such as:
as well as pain and suffering and loss of consortium. If your injuries are extensive, you may be entitled to compensation for long-term health consequences as they relate to your injuries or lost earning capacity if you are unable to hold the same type of job and make the same wages.
How a King County Automobile Accident Lawyer Can HelpAt Northwest Law Group, our skilled King County car accident lawyers don’t take the insurance company’s word. We thoroughly investigate your accident to determine who was at fault. We place a value on your claim and negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company to ensure that you get compensated for everything you are entitled to under the law. If that is not possible by negotiation, we will file and pursue a civil lawsuit on your behalf.
If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you owe it to yourself to get legal advice and understand your options. Contact the King County personal injury attorneys at Northwest Law Group for a complimentary consultation. You pay no legal fees unless we recover compensation for you.